Dance Lesson by Joy Kogawa



I have a student named Katherine who truly understands the essence of Nia. It is so joyful to watch her move with such grace and appreciation for her own movement possibilities.

Last week, after our class at The Healthy Joint, she handed me this poem entitled “Dance Lesson” by Joy Kogawa. I took a picture of it to include in this post as I adore reading hand writing (maybe you do too?), and because of the simple beauty of pen and paper (which remind me very much of Katherine). Also, doesn’t she have the most beautiful handwriting?


photo 2(click to enlarge)

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. My favourite part? “…Calling out that any awkward step will do”

If you’re having a difficult time reading it, here it is in typeface:


Dance Lesson
~ by Joy Kogawa ~

The Dance Master
Dances in the tunnels
In the bone marrow
Calling out
That any awkward step
Will do

Here then and here
Are the gentlest of arms
Holding the limbs
Of the swaying sounds

How beautifully music
Moves in the air
With the dance master naming
our names like a song.

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