Dancing Through Life with Pleasure: Nia Student Stories

A few weeks back, I asked one of my most dedicated students, Heather, what Nia meant to her. I’m always keen to expand my perspective by hearing about my student’s personal experiences. Getting outside of my own head also helps give me ideas about approaching my teaching in different ways.

Here’s Heather’s story:

“I started with NIA in 2009 when I was 62. I knew nothing about it except that it was a new class starting at my gym.

I tried it and liked it; except I wasn’t too keen about doing a fitness class in my bare feet (I wear orthotics). I also was worried about the turning around. I felt that I would get dizzy. Gradually, over the years, I have come to respect and admire each instructor I have encountered for their preparation, knowledge and understanding of what the movements they are inspiring can do for the body, mind, heart and soul. I trust in the kinesiology of the routines – the very simple fact of crossing all three mid lines (left/right, front/back, and top/bottom) in each class is so integral for maintaining and initiating paths in the brain. I know that I am not just boosting my heart rate. I am building my strength, toning my muscles, and improving my balance (very handy on icy winter sidewalks). All of this while moving to incredible music – what’s not to like?

Now, I can say that it is a crucial part of my life. When I am dancing, I forget my troubles (for the most part and for the time being). Although being of full figure, during a NIA session, I feel as light and lithe as a wood sprite. After a class, I feel euphoric, and that’s why I hardly ever miss one.”

Thank you, Heather, for sharing your story and experiences with Nia!

Read more inspiring stories here.

Want to share your experience and inspire others? Contact me!

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