Posts Tagged ‘cardio dance’

Look up (and out)!

Recently, this conversation popped up on Twitter: [View the story “Look up!” on Storify] It’s true: looking up and out allows us to remain in alignment with our chest and pelvis (the Body’s Way is that head, chest and pelvis are stacked one upon another like building blocks). When we are looking up (and not…

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Dancing Through Life with Pleasure: Nia Student Stories

…help me re-experience the exhilaration I felt in my youth. I appreciate being able to move my body freely, to use my mind to concentrate on routines, and I never hurt my body as a result of the classes. This is huge for me, since in the past I have often injured myself when trying to get fit.

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Dancing Through Life with Pleasure: Nia Student Stories

I trust in the kinesiology of the routines – the very simple fact of crossing all three mid lines (left/right, front/back, and top/bottom) in each class is so integral for maintaining and initiating paths in the brain. I know that I am not just boosting my heart rate. I am building my strength, toning my muscles, and improving my balance (very handy on icy winter sidewalks).

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