Posts Tagged ‘yoga dance’

My “normal” body was clumsy and desperate and sick

In my 30s I developed anorexia. Back then I felt “normal” in my appearance. I say “normal” because that’s what euro-centric beauty standards tell us – that thin is the desired body type. But I’ll tell you, there was NOTHING “normal” about my life at that time. Knowing what I know now, I would NEVER…

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Dance breaks are great breaks!

Why take dance breaks?

Why not? Everybody can move to music and there are a TON of benefits!

Dance can:

* Promote comfort among employees
* Build relationships through trust and bonding
* Foster interaction and cooperation
* Promote positivity and confidence
* Reduce Stress

Movement breaks not only help us physically, but did you know they help our learning and well-being as well?

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Challenge your mind and body with Nia MOVEit

Do you challenge your mind and body? How often does your body (and brain!) encounter something totally new? Something never ever experienced before?  Something that taxes or increases the demands on your body and brain? Regularly? Great! Often? Fantastic! Rarely? Let’s talk about the benefits of mind-body challenge.   Nia is a challenge! It sure…

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Dancing Through Life with Pleasure: Nia Student Stories

…help me re-experience the exhilaration I felt in my youth. I appreciate being able to move my body freely, to use my mind to concentrate on routines, and I never hurt my body as a result of the classes. This is huge for me, since in the past I have often injured myself when trying to get fit.

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Dancing Through Life with Pleasure: Nia Student Stories

I trust in the kinesiology of the routines – the very simple fact of crossing all three mid lines (left/right, front/back, and top/bottom) in each class is so integral for maintaining and initiating paths in the brain. I know that I am not just boosting my heart rate. I am building my strength, toning my muscles, and improving my balance (very handy on icy winter sidewalks).

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