Grail Lady Faire June 25 – 29, 2012


Last week, I had the pleasure of being part of Grail Lady Faire (at Grail Springs Spa) for the second year in a row. I was there to share my passion and spark through daily Nia classes on the lawn overlooking the lake.

Last year, I wrote about how inspired I was, but I tell you, this year was simply more amazing than I could have imagined! The theme this year was “WOMEN: THE RISE OF SMART POWER”, and each day themes such as well-being, spirituality, business, passion, gratitude and more were explored by some amazingly talented women.

Here’s a video that shares the sentiment of the Faire (footage is from 2011), so you can get a sense of what it is all about.



After a very moving opening smudging ceremony, we were treated to the incredible Jacquie Hermans, a Comedian & Inspirational Speaker. She shared some of her one-woman play “What the heck am I doing” and had us laughing and relating to one another. Her manner is so inspirational and real, and she is really able to engage and relate to her audience! Jacqui also offered an improv workshop that had me laughing and playing just as I love to do!



One of the most memorable parts of the week for me was the daily opportunity to consciously practice expressing gratitude. The adorably talented Lori Raudnask of Persistence Pays led us through a daily activity to break down what we were grateful for, in that moment. It was brilliant!



I took away some incredible insights from Madeleine Marentette (the Founder of Grail Springs and the Visionary / Creator / Host of Grail Lady Faire). She shared important insights about our evolution as conscious beings. Importantly, she emphasized the essential pairing of intuition / emotion and intellect. The connection between these is, she stressed, paramount for the “Rise of Smart Power”. Madeleine also shared the importance of following Celtic Solar Astrology as a means of super manifesting in your life.



I was also very touched by Bari McFarland, a certified coach practitioner and Passion Test facilitator. I learned more about The Passion Test™, and how it might be useful to help me hone in on my passion and learn to make decisions that lead me towards my passion. In fact, I’m starting a group coaching session with Bari tonight called “Awaken The Believer”. Very excited about that!



I also learned a ton from Lorella Depieri, who shared about her experiences / learning at The Oneness University in South East India. Lorella reminded me about the importance of feeling my thoughts in my body, and took us through a powerful exercise to help us capture and release significant events during conception, pre-natal development, infancy and childhood. Lorella also taught me a lot about prosperity and its relationship to my subconscious thoughts which form my beliefs. Lorella is a very skilled presenter and facilitator and I was fortunate to receive from her!


My two beautiful tabin– (combo tent + cabin) mates Sarah Calvert  and Cora Flora  graced us with their beautiful guitar playing, singing, drumming and passionate talent.  What a pleasure to meet them!




And there were so many more beautiful souls there — find them here and plan to attend Grail Lady Faire in June, 2013!

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