A toast to my authenticity

Over the past few days, I’ve had some experiences that have given me the opportunity to reflect on how and why I do what I do.

I decided awhile back that I wouldn’t hide myself in my work. That I would use my personality and my experiences to enliven my work and make meaningful connections.

It’s always been really important to me to be real. To not “fake it” or to place myself in some sort of “better than” position than others by creating a power or status differential.

This week, that was challenged when I received messages that I wasn’t “like” another person.  My instinct was to get on my “people pleasing” horse and make it better. I felt a familiar old urge to adjust and adapt to someone else.

But in the last 24 hours, while taking those situations in fully, I’m more firm than ever on my need to shine my light through my work. So, instead I’m choosing to celebrate my individuality, realizing that I can make a big difference to folks who crave artistic adventure, innovation and big laughs.

Cheers to who I unabashedly am!

(Oh, and this picture is totally authentic – see the zit on my chin that I chose not to hide?!).



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