What can we do about sore feet?

Sore Feet

Seventy-five percent of Canadians will experience foot problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. About 19 percent of the Canadian population has an average of 1.4 foot problems each year.

Why is that?  Mostly it’s because people don’t pay much attention to their feet, unless they hurt.  And then we head to the podiatrist (foot specialist) in search of foot treatment.

What if we could avoid the pain altogether by taking a different approach?

Our Feet

Did you know that 25% of the bones and muscles in your body are located below the ankle in the feet?
By the nature of their design, our feet are intended to be used and moved in a variety of ways. Using our feet properly and exercising them are important to ensure they are mobile, strong and agile. The feet are the foundation for the rest of our bodies and so if they aren’t working properly, we’re looking at problems traveling up to the knees, hips and spine. The hosts of a podcast I listen to called “The Foot Collective” always say “A foot problem is a whole body problem.”
And yet, most people don’t use or move their feet properly. That’s 25% of our body that we essentially ignore. Until they hurt.

your feet are your foundation

Causes of Sore Feet

Our feet become sore for a variety of reasons. We get pain in the heel of the foot (plantar fasciitis) because we don’t walk properly or we get bunions because we repetitively cram our feet into shoes that don’t fit or aren’t shaped like our feet. Add to that the fact that most people don’t condition the muscles of the feet and don’t use/move their feet as they were designed to be used, and it’s no wonder so many people’s feet hurt.

Hardly anyone talks about preventing foot pain in the first place. Why is that? Just like we don’t skip oil changes or regular maintenance on our cars to avoid a breakdown, we shouldn’t overlook the importance of maintaining our foot health as an important part of our overall health.

Naked Feet: Foot Techniques

In Nia 8 of the 52 moves are dedicated to the feet. Why are 15% of all of our moves foot moves? Because that’s where 25% of the bones and muscles of your body are! And we practice barefoot so that the sensory feedback from the ground below helps us make safe movement choices.

Through these foot techniques we can take charge of own healing and/or preventing sore feet. They help us keep our feet healthy as part of our overall intent to create alignment and stability in the whole body.

I can honestly say that before coming to Nia, I didn’t know how to use my feet properly (or most of my body for that matter). What a shame that we’re not taught to move our glorious bodies in healthy ways. Before Nia, my lack of body mechanic knowledge led to plantar fasciitis, knee pain and frequent running injuries. But through the Foot Techniques I learned in Nia, I healed all of those problems!

How often do you move & condition your feet?

Come out to a Nia or MOVEit class sometime and give your feet some love!



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