Self-Healing: Visualization and Self Talk



This past week self healing has been on my mind. I have been living with this terrible flu/cold combo that’s been going around.

When I mentioned it on Twitter, my pal Larry spoke about “self talk” and “visualization”.
I was happily surprised and shared that I have been using visualization for as long as I can remember when it comes to being sick. I’ve been using it for self healing, well before I even had a name for it or understood it as a concept.

Self Healing

There’s a striking memory I have of being at my first (memory of a) home – 19** Victoria Park Ave. I was maybe 3 or 4 year old and in my room. The room with the pink-striped wallpaper splattered with giant (and frankly terrifying) Holly Hobby dolls.  (But that’s another story).  It was lights out and I was lying in bed waiting for sleep. My right arm, which I had cut in the playground earlier, began to throb. I knew what that meant. Instinctively, I knew that the pulsating, rhythmic beat was the sensation of healing. And I knew that if I concentrated I could amplify the healing.  And so I did. The throbbing increased, and I could *feel* healing happening.

No one taught me this. It just seemed obvious.

I vividly remember being in the bathtub at ** Santamonica Blvd, my 2nd home. The memory is so detailed that I can tell you that the bathtub was oriented in the east- west direction and I was facing east. I was probably 7 0r 8 years old. I had been sent home from school with lice. My mom must have been taking a break from combing out my hair, and I remember “speaking” to the little critters in my mind, telling them that we (my body and I) were ready to bid them adieu.

Reiki is part of Self Healing

Same, too, happened this past week. My immune system and I tag teamed and worked to restore health. It makes good sense that Reiki came into my life when it did as it gave me a way to harness life force energy as a healing tool.

Language and Self Healing

Something *REALLY* powerful I’ve learned about self healing from Nia is about the language I can use to move towards healing – I catch myself saying “I’m suffering from this terrible ache” when I could be saying “I’m healing from this terrible ache”.  Language matters, and I’ve learned the importance of giving positive, and healing, messages to my body.

What’s your experience with self healing?


  1. Exercises to do in bed: The Nia Way on August 27, 2021 at 11:22 am

    […] able to to move – I was too exhausted or in too much pain. But I could still use the self-healing visualization techniques I’ve learned through Nia to “move” energy through my body. And I was able to […]

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