Sunday Scribblings #62 – How I met my {…}
How I met my Body, my Mind, my Spirit, my Emotions
Boldly, my Body Blossomed
In the Beginning, it was aBandoned and aBused But soon Became deliBerate. ABout my Body and well-Being
My Mind. My coMpanion since eMbryonic tiMes. A rooM of security.
Spirit. Suffocated by StubborneSS. ReScued. Now Soaring.
Elegant Emotions. ImprisonEd, buriEd alivE. PsychothErapy. DancE. EmErging rEfrEshEd.
Very creative! And pleasingly celebratory…
And this cartoon, it’s right up there with that “Fuck all ya’ll!” one, as far as hoots go 🙂
What a lovely, joyful proclamation! I love the cartoon that accompanies it, too — thanks for posting this!
Your capital letters seem to be doing a celebratory dance of joy to the sound of happu alliteration! The cartoon is great!
I love your creative approach. Refreshing!
you are a definite add-on to my blogroll. what a light you are in this sometimes dark world.