Sunday Scribblings #91 – Follow
When I read or hear the word “follow”, It’s a reminder to me to alwaysFollow my heart.I spent a good 30 years figuring that out and won’t look back on that life lesson. Ever.We are wiser about our own needs than we could ever fathom.(Take that from someone who has been to the brink of…
Read MoreThe Soul Project
On Thursday, I submitted my entry for the Soul Project. It’s a project being run by the most *beau-ticious* Brooke Manning Basically, she’s asking for your soul, for a year, in whatever form that may be. So I sent her mine. The explanation is here: These *magical* sand packets come from here: This is the…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #90 – Language
Language is so much more than words. Well, technically, it’s both bigger and smaller than words, but….I spent 6 years in university conceptualizing about that and, well, I’m done with that. No language is not only the syntax trees or the SVO sentences of my undergrad linguistics classes.Nor is it just about the phonotactic rules…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #89 – Scary
As a little girl of maybe 6 or 7 years old,what would keep me up at night was the idea of “everlasting life”. For most Christians, this is a reassuring idea. Who wouldn’t want to be suspended in time, surrounded by the comfort and peace and joy? But for me, it was a pretty black-and-white…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #88 – Celebrate!
When I think “celebrate”, I think Nia. Nia, a movement practice that, I kid you not, has been medicine for my soul. Don’t believe me? See here or here or here for proof. This is not the first time I’ve written about Nia. I have shared my experiences with Nia before. I believe in her…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings # 87 – Aging
Aging is an accumulation of changes over time resulting from experience. Change. From. Experience. Hmmm… Aging bodies can be unsettling. I think that’s because we lose so much over time; the elasticity of our skin and blood vessels, the density of our bones, efficiency in how our organs function. But if we’ve used our bodies…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #86 – Dear Past Me, Dear Future Me.
Dear Jennifer-of-a-second-ago, You are good enough. I love you as you are. Dear Jennifer-of-the-present, You are good enough. I love you as you are. Dear Jennifer-of-the-future, You are good enough. I love you as you are.
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #85 – Listen up! This is important!
“Ecoutez moi. You don’t want to miss this. It’s so fantastic. I’m all wrapped up in the magnificence of it. I’ve been thinking about how I could best share it with you. How you might interpret it just like I do. I’m wondering if I can even force my experience on you. I know that’s…
Read MoreAfter
My uncle Terry died on March 1. Today was his funeral (March 5). 6 years ago, on March 5 (2003), my grandfather (who had his grandchildren call him “Tay” ~ short for Taylor) died. Tay’s funeral was on my 30th birthday on March 8th, 2003. So I have been contemplating death lately. I am reminded…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #84 – Lost
In the past year I have lost many things. I ask myself, “Qu’est-ce qui se passe avec ca?” (what’s up with that?) And, “am I becoming a little careless?” Or, “maybe I’m making generous donations to the universe?” (if that’s the case, that’s pretty nice of me, yes?). The list of my recent donations is…
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