Sunday Scribblings #23 – My first act as Queen of the world would be…
…to admit that I don’t have a clue how to run the world. But what I could do is create a pretty savvy, forward-thinking, and progressive group to take care of straightening things out. I’d need to hand pick a team of consultants. You know, a group of experts on things like the environment,…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #22 – First, Worst and Dream Jobs
First Job: Starways flyer delivery girl, 1985, 12 years old. Yup, you know those annoying circulars that practically no one reads and everyone throws away (that is, if they don’t get blown away or rained on first)? That junk mail that drives some of us batty? That’s what I delivered. I earned 1/4 of a…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #21 – Sorry
“Oh, sorry” Not my fault, but still, “I’m sorry” Weakness of character, failure, act of wrongdoing. Rushing through the kitchen, I brush past the corner of the fridge, “Sorry”, then a laugh. Talking to my mom, I tell her I’m a little down. “I’m sorry honey”. That’s taking responsibility to the extreme. Unreasonable. Over-used, watered…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #20 – Powerful
3am: 1 hr yoga4am: 1 hr outdoor circuit training5am: 1 hr power walk6 am: 2 hour run8 am: breakfast and panic10 am: 1 hour walk and fight with Paul11am: coffee and jitters12pm: 1 hour pilates (hiding in the basement)1pm: 2 hour bike ride 3pm: 2 hours gardening and crying5pm: 1 hour walk to dinner6pm: eat…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #19 – Hello my name is….
En francais, “bonjour, je m’appelle” ….la bicyclette de Jennifer I am a black hybrid Miele, with grey and red stripes. Jennifer rides me every day. I love that she depends on me, that I am her main form of transportation.Along with my pals, Left and Right Panier Baskets and Pink Metallic Helmet, she relies on…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #18 – Collectors
I’ve had others try to force collections on me. Like Royal Doulton china dolls. I have two “Jennifers” and one bridal doll. I hate them. They are far too dainty, far too expensive, and far too impractical. These days I collect ideas. I think. And think. And don’t stop thinking. The ideas I’m collecting need…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #17 – Writing
Writing about writingis like singing about singing,thinking about thinking,talking about talking, or reading about reading.It’s a surgical dissection process.A meta-analysis. I would prefer to avoid thinking too much about it.The words need to come organically… without censorship.Submissive control results from microscopic examination.Surrender to what is, without rules and formulas, creates brain-hand valve opening and an…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #17 – A sinking feeling
“Can you describe how you feel? I mean how you really feel. Not in your mind, but in your body. Where in your body do you feel that?” I am in the middle of my therapy session. Generally I find this $100 weekly expenditure to be a good investment. But this question, this very challenging…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #16 – Dear Diary
What’s the use of keeping secrets? Some profess the power of The Secret. You know what? If it’s so fucking important, why is it a bloody secret? Talk about the privledged “in the know” crowd. Segregating success through limiting knowledge. (I can swear liberally in my dear diary, and my dear diary will not label…
Read MoreSunday Scribblings #15 – Goosebumps
Confirmation shivers — That’s what goosebumps really are. Shivery, tingly, momentary sensations that make your armhair standonguardforthee Pleasant, involuntary, invigorating. Evidence. You get them for a brief moment after a near stranger says something so timely and compelling that you feel they have deep insights into your life. Shuddering, shimmying shivers. Confirmation shivers. They drop…
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