On mitochondria and thoughts on aging
The subjects who did the interval workouts showed increases in both the number and health of their mitochondria — this finding was particularly pronounced in older subjects.
Read MoreGet your hands on these moves!
Condition the hands and fingers? Yes!
Why wouldn’t we move the hands and fingers? They are vital to our everyday activity and are the most active part of our upper bodies! Our hands and fingers perform an extraordinary number of fine-motor movements every day so we need to take care of them. We need to move all the complex and intricate parts of the hands and fingers so that our tendons, bones, tissues and nerves remain healthy and allow us to pick up our cup of coffee, wash dishes, write, type and so much more.
Read MoreMove IT Apprenticeship
Move IT is an Interval Training program that uses the 52 Moves of the Nia Technique.
It is body-friendly, sweaty, and FUN!
Coming Soon: Nia Move IT classes
Nia Move IT classes I’m cooking up something NEW in my Nia class offerings! A few weekends back, I had a privilege of studying with Kelle Rae Oien, a Nia trainer based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Here’s a short video of some of our classes: That weekend was INCREDIBLY energizing for me. We…
Read MoreLearning Strategies on the Dance Floor
…using learning strategies in class can not only enhance the brain benefits of Nia, but they are also a good way to stay in the moment and not drift off into our to-do list or sink into our worries.
Read MoreNia weekend with Trainer Kelle Rae Oien
PLEASE JOIN the GTA Nia Community as we welcome Kelle Rae Oien Nia Teacher / Nia Faculty Trainer She will be visiting us from Santa Fe, NM Mar 31, -Apr 3, 2017 for lots of events 1. Fri March 31: 7:15-8:30pm: “Pulse” class > all welcome > register here 2. Sat Apr 1-Sun Apr 2: 52 Moves Training…
Read MoreEmbrace: The Documentary
Join us for this FREE EVENT* A screening of Embrace: a documentary exploring body image Watch the trailer below and join us! [embedyt] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__2AayArYfs[/embedyt] *We are happy to accept donations to Sheena’s Place to support their programs for people living with Eating Disorders.
Read MoreSelf-Healing: Visualization and Self Talk
My right arm, which I had cut in the playground earlier, began to throb. I knew what that meant. Instinctively, I knew that the pulsating, rhythmic beat was the sensation of healing. And I knew that if I concentrated I could amplify the healing. And so I did. The throbbing increased, and I could *feel* healing happening.
No one taught me this. It just seemed obvious.
Read MoreAnkle, Knee & Hip Harmony
So, our bodies are happiest when our hips are balanced over our knees and our knees are balanced ovneutral alignment for blog poster our ankles. When hips, knees and toes are all facing in the same direction, our body feels safe and it knows where it’s going.
Read MoreNia sing-a-long Dance Jam: We raised > $2000 for Save Me Dog Rescue!
On October 23, 2016 we raised $2053.50 for Save Me Dog Rescue! Through a Nia sing-a-long dance jam, our community helped at least 5 dogs with their vital dental and health needs! EnJOY the video replay of the event below! …
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