My recurring dreams about packing




So for the last year or year-and-a-half, I’ve had this dream about packing. You know, like packing boxes, or packing a suitcase. Usually, though, I’m packing boxes.

I am never packing the same things, nor am I in the same place when packing, and I am never usually packing to go to the same place. The climax and the anxiety provoking part of the dream comes when I either:

a) run out of time and cannot possibly finish packing all my things (there are far too many things to pack),
b) run out of boxes to pack my many belongings into,
c) realize that I don’t have the help that I need to pack everything up in time.

So it seems, in every dream with this packing theme, that if I only had more time, boxes, or help, I would be able to get everything packed to go.

Where do these insurmountable packing projects take place?
Often in one room of a house (a different one each time), or in an office (never the same one).

And where am I going?
I never really know that. That doesn’t seem to be the point. The point is that wherever I’m going, I won’t be able to take all the things I want to take with me. The dream always ends in the panic of the realization that I’m not meeting the “deadline” and feel lost about how to resolve the angst of not being prepared.

About 6 months ago, I asked my therapist for her take on the dream. She and I had been doing some dream analysis about a year back and she’s really quite in tune with the symbolism behind dreams. She made some good observations. I had been going through a transition. Leaving one life (environment) behind and transitioning to a new path (environment). I suppose she thought I was having some reservations about that, hence the anxiety.

Yah, that was partly true, but now I feel pretty confident about where I have been and where I’m going. And yet the dreams happen about 3 times per month, easily.

Today I finally decided to google this, because I’m curious (and because I don’t have the luxury of asking my therapist again since she’s on mat leave).

So here’s what I found. Several interpretations:

This dream, as all dreams, could have several different meanings. If you are packing your stuff and storing it or packing to move, you may be concerned about significant changes that are going on in your life. Otherwise, your unconscious may be organizing and letting go of emotional “baggage.” Some other interpretations say that dreaming about packing is simply a hint from your unconscious that you are involved in too many activities and may need to pack some of them up and put them away.

So maybe I need to still drop a bit of baggage yet? Hmmm…maybe?!

This is a typical PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) dream and that the progress made in the dreams reflects the progress made in healing.

I’ve never had a diagnosis of PTSD, but given my history of family trauma, my medical trauma at age 19 and my eating disorder, I’ve got my fair share of trauma behind me.

Because your dream theme is recurring, it could be that your unconscious is trying to get a message through but you haven’t really taken it on board yet. It’s using a symbol from your waking life – the packing and unpacking – to represent something going on for you at a deep, inner and as yet unconscious level.

Perhaps. My brain is always talking to me in mysterious ways…

Any thoughts or ideas?


  1. Lyn on April 2, 2008 at 9:33 am

    I have similar dreams, but usually I’m packing for a trip and/or getting dressed and time is up and I’m not ready to go yet. It’s so funny when I’m trying to get panty hose on and they won’t come up or get stuck in the ankles! In ‘real life’ I’m a real clock watcher, so I think it has to do with my obsession with being late. These dreams are filled with panic and anxiety.

    Another recurring dream is about New York City–usually walking around and enjoying the architecture, although sometimes I get lost and can’t find a loved one in the hustle and the bustle.

    I don’t think I’ve helped you much, but thank you for getting me thinking about my own subconscious mind.

    • Julie Entwistle on June 17, 2021 at 4:37 am

      Hi Lyn?
      Thank you for describing my recurring dreams perfectly!
      I too often wonder what my subconscious is trying to tell me. Like you I don’t have ptsd and seem to have been going through transitions throughout my life so it can’t bd that – or is it?🥴😂

  2. Jennifer Hicks on April 2, 2008 at 12:09 pm

    hey lyn,
    funny, i was once a real clock watcher but that has changed for me. if you ever figure out either the packing or NYC dream, let me know!

  3. Beth on August 12, 2014 at 11:39 am

    I have been having the rushing to pack everything dream a lot lately. It freaks me out as I feel that I need to make a change, but haven’t figured out what it is.

    • Stacey Damesek on December 3, 2020 at 7:47 pm

      I have the dream. All the time. Like almost once a week sometimes and then it trails of and only once a month or so until it comes back fiercely again. I’ve been dreaming this for about 20 years. I’m always moving (somewhere – not sure to college , or a new house btw I’m 51) and it’s always that I’m leaving tomorrow- either on a plane, bus or in a car, but it’s always tomorrow and I’m always panicked. I haven’t packed. There’s so much! But like you I don’t have the time, or enough suitcases or whatever. It’s a panic every time. I hate having this dream and I wish I could somehow get to the bottom of it and make it go away. I’ve read all the interpretations you have here and many others. I’m in a stable 21 year marriage and not much changing got me – though I’ve not been working for 4 years and I’d like to change that- but this dream is not new! Anyway I think for me it has something to do with my parents spitting when I was young… for what it’s worth, I enjoyed reading your version of the dream. I hope it isn’t too painful for you… for me , it’s annoying. But I’m used to it. Sometimes I don’t even remember till mid day that I had the dream the night before…

      Best of luck to you, may you get rid of what you don’t need, keep what is good, and useful to you and find whatever you are looking for….

      • Patty on January 31, 2021 at 3:05 pm

        It’s so odd to hear about people actually having the same dream as me. I’m always having this packing dream. In the dream I know I’m moving. I don’t know where to. I’m trying to get everything but there’s not enough time. I don’t have help. I have these dreams 2-3 times a week. My mom and dad are almost always in my dream as well. My dad passed away 7 years ago and my mom had been living with me since then. She passed away 4 months ago. I really wish I could get some closure for this dream. Or at least the meaning of it. I feel as if there is a reason for this dream. My anxiety level is out the roof in these dreams and I spend the whole next day thinking about it.

        • Jean Bleasdale on July 12, 2021 at 11:07 am

          I’m so glad I have found you all this dream is driving me mad ,I’m packing like mad to get all my clothes packed on holiday I always lose my passport and can never get all my things packed and leave them behind .I’ve had this dream for years

        • Ashlie on July 22, 2021 at 1:43 pm

          I have this dream too, I’ve had it for as long as I can remember but more frequently the last month. At least 3 times a week. I’m always packing suitcases to leave that day, by train, ship, airport, car. In my dreams, I’m always wrapping up a trip and packing to go back home..but even in the dream idk where that really is. Always clothes and I am constantly running out of time. One time I even made it to the airport on time but my clothes kept falling out of my suitcase and it was such a panic.
          But then last night, I dreamed that I was in an uncomfortable situation and was ready to go home. I found my two suitcases, actually packed them, got in the car and hit the road. Then I woke up. No anxiety. Idk what it means, I started my own business last month and things are falling into place. Two days ago I de cluttered my apartment and took 4 boxes to goodwill. Maybe that interpretation works for me, that I’ve let go of the fear and baggage? Super interesting, so happy you’ve all shared it’s nice to know we’re not alone! 🙂

          • Amy-Lynn Gerber on October 1, 2021 at 4:22 am

            I have this type of dream so frequently! I’m always trying to organize all my things (clothes) that are all over the place to get packed because I need to leave for the airport. Oftentimes I can’t find things that I need to pack, random shoes or jewelry or a jacket. Im always running late and in a panic to make it in time. Sometimes I have to take a car to the airport and I’m still running late, or I get held up at the airport in some way that makes me late. In real life I’m never late for. a trip! I can’t figure out what it symbolizes.

        • Jo on November 14, 2021 at 5:49 pm

          Omg my mum and dad are always in my packing dream too, my dad died last year. In the dream I have too much to pack and not enough room in the case.

          • April Jones, LCPC on December 4, 2021 at 12:21 pm

            Therapists, will often refer to this particular dream as “unpacking the grief” from losing your parents 🙂 Hope this helps.

      • Sheila on July 16, 2021 at 8:01 am

        I too have been having this dream nearly every night. Packing bags or boxes in different houses or locations, always in a hurry, and with no help. Thank you so much for posting this article. There is not much available online about this and it has plagued me for the past year or two! I think it has something to do with PTSD for me, but if it is a message of some sort, I’d really like to know what it is so I can move on from these dreams.

      • Sarah Lloyd on August 8, 2021 at 12:09 pm

        I’ve had this too – I hate it – same themes same anxiety. Been through huge life changes but I need to de-clutter everything. Too much time wasted on projects which go nowhere! I have PTSD tho, and real struggles with family relationships recently. But reading about these shared dreams has really helped.

      • Lizzo on August 13, 2021 at 9:11 am

        You’ve been having these dreams for 20 years during the last 21 years of your marriage about packing and it always need to happen tomorrow. Sounds like your subconscious does not find this stable.

        • JS on October 1, 2021 at 7:56 am

          I had this dream last night. I’m with a friend who has an abusive husband (I’ve been listening to “Big Little Lies”), in the town where I lived for 25 years (where I was married and had kids). I keep trying to fit everything in, and it’s straining my bag. i finally decide to leave some of the stuff, throw it away — an odd sock, some other stuff. This thread has helped a lot. I got divorced three years ago, and my ex-husband died six months later. I’ve thought that I’ve dealt with it all, but I think maybe I am holding on to feelings and memories about him. I didn’t think I was doing that, but. . . This thread has been helpful.

  4. J on February 22, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    I also have been having the same type of dreams for quite a while now–they always involve different settings and time pressure, and the feeling that it won’t get done. I, too, am wondering what they mean.

  5. brigitte on March 6, 2017 at 9:07 pm

    I wonder if you figured out after all these year what was it, I have the same kind of dream for 4-5 months now…

  6. Helen Andrews on April 2, 2017 at 12:12 pm

    I’ve been having a similar dream of packing to move house, every time I’m the only one doing the work, usually relatives doing nothing, mainly ones i haven’t seen for ages. I never actually get to the next house. Any ideas?

    • Mandy on May 23, 2020 at 7:56 am

      Ok i have had similar dream but my relatives keep telling me things lile dont forget the black box….

    • Gipsy on September 6, 2020 at 11:48 am

      I’ve had the same type of dream for years. Often my mother was giving me more things to pack and I couldn’t fit them in. Just woke up from another take on it,
      was packing then had to go shopping but ended up getting lost in a giant market, someone gave me a ride but went the wrong way. Tried to catch a train but couldn’t get off. Went past my bags twice in the car and train but on different routes and couldn’t get to them.

    • Louise on February 11, 2021 at 7:25 am

      That is so similar to the dream I’ve been having for the last couple of nights, it leaves me quite shaken for some reason.

  7. fleur on April 30, 2017 at 6:04 am

    I have this, very similar to your description. Usually I need to catch a plane and I can’t pack in time or I can’t fit enough in my suitcase. Anxiety is the feeling through out. The latest one has taken a new theme which is an interesting twist, that someone, some “naughty teenagers” stole my suitcase and hid it, so I was unable to pack anything at all!! In a way that dream has made me think… well actually, if I’m free to get without any “baggage” perhaps I’m better off, because all I actually need is within! Another thought I had about these dreams was that I didn’t like a feeling of missing out in any way perhaps, an anxiety that if I left something behind, it would bother me or be difficult… I know now that if the past is unresolved, we are destined to relive it. I think that’s how my subconscious mind is trying to tell me to let go or find resolution. I hope that’s helped some.. I’m on my own path of discovery with this one!!! But seems like a fairly universal dream.

  8. Mary on May 17, 2017 at 6:29 pm

    Hi there,

    For years and years now I have this same packing against the clock dream where I frequently run out of space in my boxes and suitcases. Location and stuff to pack always changes but themes remain the same. Just googling it as would love to better understand why this dream goes on and on for me and what it’s trying to tell me….

  9. J. on May 20, 2017 at 12:20 am

    I am still having these dreams, almost every night with a different setting. Did you ever figure out your reson for them?

  10. jash on October 15, 2017 at 1:04 pm

    I have had the exact same dream experiences for many years which have increased with frequency over the last few, particularly with the locations being different every time. The anxiety levels are unreal usually waking me in panic mode and then relief to realize it was a dream. Mine tend to have two themes: one where I’m packing to move from my house, (a house I’ve never seen but apparently have lived there for some time), and the other (most common one) where I’m back in college, it’s move out day, and I haven’t done a thing. This one bugs me out the most because the college and either dorm room, apartment or house are always different, and I’m always depressed because I feel like I missed out on my living areas and wonder where the hell I’ve been and what have I been doing. I look over and my roommate’s side is always empty and clean, (a roommate whom I don’t know who is), and I feel bad because I didn’t get to know them or say goodbye. I always feel bad because my dorm or apartment looks cool and I feel like I forgot to enjoy it.

    The house theme likewise is always surreal; it’s a house I’ve never known in my waking life but one where I have lived in my dream. I feel like there’s a deadline to be out and I haven’t prepared anything; sometimes there’s other people there and they’re just hanging out, but I’m panicking! I always get distracted in the dream and start exploring the house finding mystery rooms and areas I never knew were there; similarly, I feel bad that I didn’t spend the time there to know these areas existed even though it was MY house. The distraction comes back to ‘oh crap, how are we ever gonna get this stuff moved!’ Oddly, the houses tend to be beautiful and the dorm rooms and college buildings look really cool (like an old gothic architectural style).

    Last night I dreamt of both themes which is super rare for me- the college dream and then transitioning into the home one. The only commonality I can recall is that both locations were in the mountains. I guess that’s what prompted me to search out some interpretation today. Glad to know I guess that I’m not the only one experiencing these. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Holly on October 15, 2017 at 5:52 pm

    I have the same dreams and I do have PTSD. I get very stressed in my dream. It usually is about thinking I have packed everything up for a move then realise on the day of the move that I still have a couple rooms that I haven’t touched

  12. Graciela Jimenez on November 13, 2017 at 1:38 am

    I recently dreamt of an old apartment i used to live in. Well, in the dream, i had moved out of the apartment and forgotten to pack up lots of furniture and personal items. The landlord from the old apartment was calling me like a year after i moved out to tell me they were going to have to charge me storage fees since they hadn’t been able to rent apartment due to me using old apartment as storage unit. Crazy dream, no idea what it could mean besides i am probably just anxious. It was very strange dream.

  13. Tricia on January 17, 2018 at 7:16 pm

    Thanks for your discussion of packing dreams! Googled because both my husband and I dreamt about packing last night and we are trying to figure it out. With so many crises going on (e.g., fires, floods, politics), my guess is we are trying to prioritize what’s important to us.

    The recurring dreams are always high anxiety and concern of choosing what’s most important, but not always making the wisest decision. Does this resonate with you?

    • Leah on October 24, 2020 at 7:38 am

      Your comment, Tricia about so many crazy things going on right now and trying to prioritize what’s important to us was the first thing that really resonated with me in this whole discussion. Thank you for your insight.

      I came here because I’ve been having recurring dreams about packing. Sometimes with time pressure, but usually the anxiety comes from feeling like I just have too much stuff. I’m usually packing clothes, but the idea is that it needs to fit in my car like for a road trip or escape. I never know where to or what from. I’ve done two cross country moves by car in my life, so I’m sure that is just what is familiar to me.

      Perhaps I’m feeling like now that I feel stuck in our current situation (pandemic, unhappy at job, living with a roommate but would rather live alone), I want to be able to move and change things, but I don’t know what to do next because I need to sort out my priorities in life and work.

  14. Sue on January 30, 2018 at 7:58 pm

    Wow .never thought to see if others had the same dream .
    I am 57 .been having moving dreams my whole life and houses and rooms.I am extremely tired mental and physical because my life is always moving and anxious and I pack my stuff when I get stressed out .I am not going anywhere just need to put things in boxes.Strange ?sue

  15. Jo on October 31, 2018 at 9:14 am

    I have been having this dream for years – I think I’m end of packing then I open a cupboard and find lots more to pack..ridiculous things like mattresses and stuff way too big to get in a case – it’s always against the clock too – having to vacate a holiday home by a certain time or rushing to catch a flight.. I’m always trying to analyse it but have have got to the bottom of really is frustrating

  16. Andre on November 6, 2018 at 1:21 pm

    I too have a very similar recurring dream. I’ve seen a lot of interpretations involving new things on the horizon, or the desire to make a change in one’s life. Or anticipating a change in the future.
    These make sense but my life hasn’t changed much in many years, nor am I expecting a change.
    At first I thought it was about me wanting to move back to my home state from Florida because I hate the weather here. And other reasons perhaps. But I kept looking for other details within the dream to shed some light on this because this didn’t feel like enough to warrant recurring dreams at least once a week for the last few years.
    I realized I’m always roughly the same age in the dream, teens – early 20s. I’m 38 now. And I’m either leaving the house I lived at as a teenager or going to/coming from a boarding school I lived at during the same decade. I’m usually overwhelmed by all the packing that still needs to get done – I’ll think I’m close to finished, then I look in a closet or something and there’s a million more books, junk. And there’s often times a sense of nostalgia, quite strong, when I wake up.
    Now I’m wondering if maybe all of it isn’t some kind of desire to return to childhood/teenhood because I’m afraid of the future. I suffer with depression/anxiety and it can get a little overwhelming sometimes. My life now isn’t one I would’ve chosen for myself. Or anyone else for that matter. I live alone and am struggling with money and other things. Communication with my family isnt the best. I don’t see much of a future.
    It’s not that things were so much better in the past, but it was quite an adventure in a way. I was still figuring out who I was, what kind of adult I’d be and had my whole life ahead of me. Maybe the dreams reflect a desire to go back in time and do things differently, to make different choices.
    In the dream, packing means you’re about to leave. Like you’re right on the threshold of something new and what you do during that time is important. It sets the tone for years to come.
    Or I could be wrong 🙂

  17. Lisa on February 9, 2019 at 7:17 pm

    Hi all, I too have had a dream I’d call more of a nightmare for months. I’m packing and running out of time. Very concerned with losing or leaving stuff behind. I am being treated for anxiety and was concerned about work. I’m on FMLA leave now because my Crohn’s is back. I think ultimately it is anxiety with a mix of being concerned I cannot provide for my family. Please help if you can.

  18. Carla B on September 15, 2019 at 11:22 am

    I’ve had all these same dreams above and found this website looking for answers. I’ve been praying and wondering what it means . Just from reading the comments it came to me that Anxiety is worrying about stuff you have no control of . All of this is rooted in fear . Just when I think I have fear under control something else will pop up in my life , almost like a test or a reminder that I don’t. I believe that God is telling me to stop worrying and start trusting him. Quit holding on to all my worries and give it to him. 🙂 in my dreams I’m endlessly packing. I believe because I’m endlessly adding another worry into my life. Ugh Jesus help me . God bless y’all

    • Julie Entwistle on June 17, 2021 at 4:44 am

      Hi Carla,
      Just read your post on the recurring dreams as I’ve had them too for years.
      I’m a Christian and liked your approach about giving our fears and worries to God,

    • Marlene Kemp on June 19, 2021 at 2:24 pm

      Of all these probable explinations of this common dream that plagues us all on this page, your comment about adding more worries is the only one that makes sense for me and my dreams.

      • T.Scott Stromberg on September 18, 2021 at 10:43 am

        I too have been having this recurring dream of being back in my dorm room or in a vacation home and finding myself needing to pack up and endless amount of junk. It never seems like stuff I need but just endless piles of furniture, books, and oddities. There are never enough boxes to put everything in and the task seems unattainable. After reading through this post I too believe it is my higher self trying to communicate to me that I am focusing and unnecessary trying to fill my life with material objects that I feel will make my life feel better, but in reality they just pile up, taking up space that can’t be filled. Maybe we just need to focus on those things that aren’t physical, like friendships, service to others, love-those things that can’t be put in boxes. Maybe we are being asked to walk away from collecting material objects that have the illusion of giving us fulfillment and concentrate on filling that space with love, light, and service to others. 🙂

  19. desirae moore on January 22, 2020 at 9:23 am

    Micro start a couple of days ago I want to know if any of us on this thread have anything in common are we in an abusive or unproductive relationship that isn’t going anywhere and we don’t want to let go

    • Marlene Kemp on June 19, 2021 at 2:26 pm

      I have been in the past but that waa 40 yrs ago.( abusive relationship)

  20. M on April 30, 2020 at 10:44 am

    This is exactly what I have dreamt about on many occasions. Typically it’s that I am returning to an old apartment (I’ve lived in many) and all of this stuff is in them, packed to the gills. Otherwise, it’s like an old apartment in some way, but in other ways it’s not. In other words, it’s someplace I’ve never lived and I know that, but all “my things” are there, and it feels familiar. I’ve never seen any of the stuff and yet I hold strong claim to it. I am worried that I’m going to be caught in the place packing up my things (many times I know there are other roommates who could be coming back and for some reason don’t want me there). I end up racing against the clock. I seem to always have helpers, who seem to wonder why I have so much stuff, and they say to leave it or they are hurrying me. Usually I’m afraid the landlord is coming to cut me off from finishing moving, and I’m conscious that I can’t keep all my things from the past, and I don’t yet understand them all or where they came from. I never finish the job in time and wake up anxious. Would love any further interpretation of these dreams as I definitely have one about once a year and they’re so vivid they really stick with me.

  21. Kirsty on July 12, 2020 at 9:05 am

    I’ve just looked on line to see what this dream means. I had no idea it’s such a common themed dream. I’ve been having the packing a suitcase trying to get to airport or similar dream and I get very stressed as I’m running out time. The suggested meanings don’t resonate with me. But the dreams must be something my brain is trying to process.

    • GMS on April 2, 2021 at 9:40 am

      That’s my dream too but it’s always a cruise (how odd). I can’t find the right suitcase or I’ve left something out but I am under time restraints to get to departure. I have an old long-term relationship that I believe must be the source I.e. making peace with the chaos it made in my life perhaps? It is distressing to have this dream so often and I wake up frightened. Argh!

  22. Freddy on July 29, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    I often dream of former apartments: I am astonished the landlord didn’t notice i moved out and didn’t pay him rent ever since! I see I have left some belongings and wish to gather them all and bring them to my new place. I’m alone and won’t be able to carry all (in a single trip) . I probably feel the loss of something of the past….my mother? my relation with her was complex. She was rather disconnected from reality and i rejected her. She used to give me “things” in place of affection and understanding. That started when i was very young. Maybe the dream shows that I have not completed the process of mourning. Those things left in my former apartment seem so precious when i see them again, but they are dead things. I lost my trust and love for my mother way way before she passed away.

  23. Christopher Walker on August 6, 2020 at 8:42 am

    I can’t believe that I found this thread. I too have almost the exact dream. Only difference is often the setting is when I can’t return home from a deployment (I am retired military). While I still don’t know what the dream means, I’m comforted that I am not alone. I have “the dream” at least once per week for the last 2 years.

  24. The dream analysis on August 11, 2020 at 7:05 am

    This dream represents a deep ultimatum that you are carrying too much baggage. Try to think of this baggage as deadwood that you are carrying with you in your character. Every next stage in life requires a new version of yourself and you must therefore burn away as much of the deadwood as you can to free yourself moving forwards. Focus your energy on where you want to go and orient your life in that direction as much as possible. You must let go of the past. Forgiveness and gratitude plays an important part in this process.

  25. Cassi on August 15, 2020 at 12:01 pm

    My dreams are similar, I’m packing to go somewhere or move. I feel like I’m out of time to pack and I’m extremely stressed out about what to bring. I also can’t seem to find what I’m looking for. I have been having this similar dream for years. I wish I could figure it out.

  26. Gina Douglas on September 17, 2020 at 10:19 am

    I am almost 60, have these recurring-dreams too, and I do have PTSD. I am always having to pack up for a trip, or from a trip to go home, on a plane. My deceased father is usually in the dream. Others need the same ride to the airport, but they do not get ready at all, and I don’t have time to pack everything, and have to decide what to take. As it gets closer and closer to the time to leave for the airport, it becomes more and more apparent that it will be impossible to make the deadline, and the whole thing is a wasted-effort, but I can’t quit trying to get ready to leave.

  27. Lawrence Beaton on September 26, 2020 at 7:19 am

    I have a recurring dream of packing books in a classroom, not having enough time to pack books, called to attend final staff meeting of the school year and I don’t want to attend meeting because I am not coming back next year. Always the same classroom, with many windows and the lights are on in the classroom, trying to give away some of the things in the classroom

  28. Sara M. on September 26, 2020 at 8:10 am

    Me too! These dreams are so stressful for me and I have them ALL THE TIME (and have for years and years).

    It’s usually “move out day” at college and I realize I haven’t packed anything or haven’t packed enough and everyone is gone (no help) and I have one hour left. I’m often left wondering how I’m going to get a uhaul and pack up the entire place within the hour.

    Sometimes I’m not in a college, sometimes it’s a regular house…. but same scenario…. no help, too much stuff, and out of time.

    Has anyone solved this riddle?

  29. alexis on October 10, 2020 at 4:58 pm

    Yes. Same. Not having enough time. Too much to pack. Like I have to pack a whole house and not the one suitcase I came with. Leaving items in an old apt or someones house I don’t know. Fear of losing those items. Strange I’m not the only one, but loved the comments.

  30. Kate on January 6, 2021 at 12:36 am

    You’re not alone! Very similar… Always packing either for long term or short term. Either way, there is not enough time, boxes, etc. as you described. I’d estimate I’ve had this dream at least 1-2 times per week for the past 5+ years. Often I’m going to summer camp or someplace equally temporary (even though I’m definitely several decades away from childhood) and bring WAY too much stuff (ie dressers, furniture, etc). Recently packing food & perishable items has entered the dreams…for an additional dose of pressure to keep the food from spoiling in the transition — and typically having to sort my belongings from others’ (roommates, etc). I have moved A LOT in my lifetime and for the first time own a home and have been here for about 5 years. Maybe I’ve just conditioned my unconscious to expect upheaval / transition?? I’m also a perfectionist and a person that is obsessed with “gear”. I’m one of those people that has anything anyone might need in her purse. For this reason I’ve never fretted too much about these dreams — seeming as nothing more than a likely extension of my personality. Though it’s interesting to see so many other people experience them as well. I’d love to just blame it on societal/cultural pressure on a fabricated system of “time” and our over-materialized way of living, but I might just be making excuses rather than dealing with my own baggage 🙂

    • Rachel T Angelo on March 1, 2021 at 11:27 am

      I have this same dream, and while your article brings more questions for me about my own life, I’m relieved to hear that others are haunted by this dream!

  31. Kimoco on January 12, 2021 at 8:43 am

    Wow, I’ve just been having this dream recently, and just like the other ones on this thread, I am thankful I am not the only one! I’ve had the dream 3 times in the last 2-3 weeks, and I’ve just started looking for the meaning because I obsess with it in the daytime. I just actually moved houses, and in the dream, I’ve forgotten almost everything in the old place. This last night, I was packing the fridge in my caravan, and then found out that I still had the washer and dryer to fit in somewhere. My Dad was there, complaining it was taking me a long time. I have a cousin that I barely see that was there with his wife and 3 kids and was “helping”(letting me borrow the strangely big trunk of his car) but halfway full he said it was enough. Got in the car to go wherever I needed to go and we got lost…. It was a very strange dream yet again. The first time around that I had the dream, I broke into my old house to go get the stuff I had forgotten, turned out it was beds, mattresses, furniture, mountains of boxes, and that same cousin was there…really weird, high anxiety. Hope we can find the meaning!

  32. Elena on January 17, 2021 at 8:39 am

    This is amazing! I have had the packing nightmare for the last 20 years. Either a moving truck is coming or we have to catch a plane. I have too much stuff to fit into a suitcase. I moved a lot in my 20s so I thought that was why, but once settled it still happens several times a month. From reading your post, I think it has got to be because I am a “clock watcher”. If I am not early I feel late. My husband, who is a chill guy and the ying to my yang, showed up once in one of my packing nightmares and told me not to worry and that we could just move our flight to the next day 🙂 I need him to show up more often in my nightmare! Thanks everyone! Feels like a “packing nightmare” support group.

  33. B on February 2, 2021 at 11:39 pm

    My version of this dream is slightly different. I am packing or preparing to leave a living situation, most often a home or apartment, but sometimes a vacation setting. It is the end, of the term or the lease or the stay, and I am getting ready to go with everyone, but don’t quite seem to be able to get my stuff together. One by one, the people I am with begin to depart with farewells, etc. Finally, I realize I am the last to leave. I feel anxious about this but not too anxious, and I set about completing preparations to go. But I never seem to be able to quite get ready and leave. I have no memory of the end to this dream.

  34. Joelle on February 11, 2021 at 7:39 pm

    I’m surprised this is such a common dream. I’ve been having this dream for a year or two. I’m usually in a hotel with my husband and kids. I am the only one who is packing and we have MOUNTAINS of stuff to pack. I’m always overwhelmed and in disbelief because I can’t figure out why we brought so much with us. I’m also irritated that I’m the only one packing. The family is not even in the room with me, slackers!

  35. Rose on February 23, 2021 at 12:40 pm

    Jenn did you ever figure out the meaning of this recurring dream? I have been having the same type of dream. Trying to pack all my things- normally clothes- but can never take them all. There is a theme of having to choose what’s most important and I always feel frantic and panicked in the dream. Sometimes I am packing due to a traumatic or emergency event happening (the last one was a helicopter crash in front of my parents’ home that I grew up in. I’m so curious what this dream means

  36. Setz on March 8, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Lols I get the same reoccurring dreams about packing to move house, my current house with my family but never get sufficient time to actually do any packing and end up leaving a few things stored in boxes behind. I also feel this extreme feeling of sadness that I’d be leaving maybe due to all the memories at my house and at the same time looking forward to my new house. We arrive at our new house, it’s amazing, spacious basically what could be described as a fine luxurious house with a room for each of my 8 family members, however still feel this uncertainty and worry about something that I’m unsure what it is.

  37. Marissa on March 29, 2021 at 8:08 am

    Wow it’s incredible this thread has been going for 13 years. How amazing that so many of us have this as a recurring dream. I have had a dream with a packing theme for many months now. Typically I’m going for a long trip somewhere unfamiliar and will need a variety of clothes for different weather and experiences over several months. It always feels hard to anticipate everything I will need where I’m going. Often I’m trying to get it done in a short amount of time to catch a ride to the airport. Usually I’m packing my stuff from
    my childhood home (though it looks like a different place in my dreams). None of the interpretations really resonate with me but I appreciate sharing this experience with you all. I wonder if it’s a way of processing what is most important and wanting to be prepared for an uncertain future.

  38. Robin Mooney on April 1, 2021 at 2:57 pm

    Wow, good to see I’m not alone. For year I have had this dream. Very similar to the ones above. The only difference is that as I’m usually packing to move I am also confused about what to take and what to leave. I’m not sure what belongs to me and what doesn’t. Also I’m often trying to take plants with me but have no way to pack them so I’m trying to decide if it’s selfish to pack them and risk killing them or if I should just leave them where they are. I’m often packing because I’m making a big change in my life and I’m not sure it’s the right decision. I’ve enjoyed reading other versions of this dream. I think it helps me to understand mine. Thank you.

    • Bay on November 28, 2021 at 6:53 am

      Wow, unbelievable how many people also suffer with this reoccurring dream. My version is that I have a whole rental house to pack and we need to leave ASAP. The landlord and new tenants could show up any time! I am pushing how long I can stay, walking through the house to find the most important things to take. Last night I dreamed I had to leave my rabbits behind and I was so distraught. This dream causes so much emotion.
      I moved about 10 times in 20 years in real life.

  39. Michele on April 2, 2021 at 4:48 pm

    I’m also having this re-accurring packing dream. Sometimes I’m packing to move from an old house I lived in, and other times I’m packing to leave from a trip. I never have enough time, help, or boxes. I wish I knew why.

  40. Peaches on May 14, 2021 at 9:44 pm

    I have been experiencing packing dreams for several years, I’m 50.
    Strange to find so many packing and unpacking.
    The dream provokes anxiety, sometimes regrets.

  41. Emily on May 19, 2021 at 6:54 pm

    I have similar packing dreams. I’ve been trying to understand what it could mean for a while now, and I feel I’ve found an understanding of them that feels comfortable and makes sense to me. As an adult I have developed very structured thinking patterns, every aspect of my life uses the same or similar structure to dissect or obtain my aim. I think my packing dream is a mirror image of my daily thinking structure. Packing is about planning, considering all outcomes and being prepared for all eventualities. Perhaps this dream is telling us that we need to connect more with the creative sides, to practice being more fluid and spontaneous. Or that we need to broaden our thinking patterns and develops new mental approaches to our daily tasks. Just a thought!

  42. Marlene Kemp on June 19, 2021 at 2:27 pm

    I have been in the past but that waa 40 yrs ago.( abusive relationship)

  43. Marlene Kemp on June 19, 2021 at 2:32 pm

    I’m wondering if this dream is about running out of time in life to accomplish all that we want to accomplish. This makes sense for my life, I’m very relieved that I’m not the only one having them. Apparently it is something that many normal people dream. That gives me one less thing to worry about. Lol

    • Ali Jane on August 15, 2021 at 3:11 am

      I’ve just stated having the packing dream for the past two consecutive nights. There are people around me , getting in the way, but I’m the only one trying to pack – I’m at my wits end. Then I do something stupid like removing all the kitchen drawer fronts to pack – and then realise the new owner will need them, which delays my packing even further.

  44. SARAH LLOYD on August 9, 2021 at 5:00 am

    Incredibly helpful to read that I share this dream with so many others. It’s really helped me have insight into it – I wonder if it will change now. But we are all carrying stuff from the past we aren’t ready to let go of or cannot deal with for one reason or another. Thank you.

  45. sam on September 25, 2021 at 4:10 pm

    The packing can sometime be as simple as gathering my things in a bus before getting off, or other times it’s the all house thing. Both situation are equally anxiety inducing tho. I am 53 and I had this dream for as long as I remember.
    It is usually tied up with period of stress.

  46. Brian on October 20, 2021 at 5:25 pm

    I had a similar dream. I’m not one who usually is able to recall my dreams after I wake up, but this one I could not forget. I was in a strange location I did not recognize, yet somehow all my belongings were there and needed packing. Lots of anxiety as I realized they’re was far too much stuff to pack. One particular box I filled with things I intended to throw out. As I took this box outside I had to walk through a huge crowd of people, like a country fair or carnival type place. I set down the box full of the things I wanted to dispose of just for a moment. While my back was turned two women stole the box and began running through the crowd. I chased after them yelling “please don’t steal that, it’s only trash, why take that?” I returned to the strange home full of my stuff, feeling defeated and morose. Then a young child ran up and gave me a huge hug and said don’t leave without saying goodbye. I was nearly in tears as I explained that I hadn’t meant to do so. That was when I woke up.

  47. Rosie on October 29, 2021 at 3:20 pm

    I have a very similar recurring dream, at least a couple times a month. I’m always packing luggage to go somewhere, but realize that I have way too much stuff to fit in my bag and not enough time to do it. Often, in a dream I’ll be somewhere and heading home and all of a sudden my items will be everywhere and multiplied and there’s no way I can fit them, but also I can’t leave them. Last night I had this dream and on top of hoards of clothes there were also personal old items like old photos and mementos. It’s super anxiety-inducing and overwhelming. I’ve felt very unclear about my life’s path the last few years so I think it might be this – but it’s such a horrible dream!

  48. Jennifer Mayo on November 6, 2021 at 10:11 am

    Wow. This thread is amazing. I frequently have the packing dream- usually packing to go on a trip and have stuff everywhere and I’m going to miss my flight. Can we start a support group. Lol

  49. Lauren on November 23, 2021 at 7:23 am

    I have these types of dreams as well and I always wake up so stressed. Usually I am packing for some sort of trip where I don’t have access to all my stuff and clothes and in my dream I make sure I have enough clothes for the trip and little things like tweezers. These are actually the things I worry about when going away in real life. The place and the people in my dream always vary though. I wish I knew what it meant because these dreams give me very bad sleep and leave me very tired the next day.

  50. Kim on December 8, 2021 at 12:16 pm

    OMG, I have found my people! I have this dream once/twice a month. Always away from home on vacation or some trip and against the clock to pack all my things that are usually everywhere. The people with me always have their stuff together and sometimes leave without me. There is usually some reason I’m late> can’t find the hotel key, got lost, don’t know what time it is, lost my phone, overslept, etc. But it always turns into me having major panic and running around trying to decide what goes with me, what I leave behind. If I get to pack, there is never enough room for everything. It’s always me late for the plane. If I do make it to the airport, I have no idea where my ticket is or my license, etc. bc I had to pack in a hurry and have either left it or don’t know where it is.
    I do have PTSD symptoms, ADHD and anxiety and when I wake up i’m full of anxiety, so that’s fun.
    The only thing I can think of that’s similar in my life is when I leave the house for any amount of time, going to a party, an event, even a few hours – i’m usually late bc I’m running around trying to plan what is going with me, what I might need. I’m the girl with the “mom bag” that has everything in it that anyone around me might possibly need. Tums, nail clippers, extra bag, sunglasses, pocket knife, snacks, what do you need … I’m certain I have it. When I leave the house for these things I’m always anxious that I forgot something. Dang.. I didn’t grab 2 chapsticks, what if I lose one.. or someone needs one?
    To actually go on a trip… I’m the overpacker. And have anxiety about what I forgot until the minute I’m on the plane.
    Surprising so many of us have the same thing!! I guess there isn’t any ONE answer, but I wish there was so I could just fix it. 🙂

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