Nia with Jenn 2009 Survey Results

Below are the results of my 2009 Nia survey

(Click on the images that follow to enlarge them.
You will find a summary of these results and a plan at the very end of this post).

Here’s what I’ve learned about how best to describe the Nia experience to potential participants:

The most common words used to describe Nia were:

  • Fun, energizing, joyful, freedom, relaxing

And the most common words used to describe your experience of my teaching were:

  • Fun, Energizing, Encouraging, Creative, Inspiring, Non judgmental, Positive

Here are ideas I’m working with to improve your experience and respond to your feedback.

1. Lack of time to attend class:

It seems that many of you would love to come to class more often but just don’t have the time. So let’s find a way to bring more Nia into your life!

I’ll bring Nia to you!

How about a lunch-time or after-work class at your workplace? A private or semi-private class at your home? A class at your school or church with your peers?

My schedule is flexible and I can work around you and your needs. Contact me if you’re interested and we can talk.

Nia in your living room

I have Nia DVDs for sale. They are $20 each and will give you the Nia experience in the comfort of your own home!

2. Substitute Teachers:

From time to time, I need to have a substitute teacher teach my classes. Of course this is the exception rather than the rule!

Please consider, though, that I may need to arrange a substitute teacher because of illness, a training I’m taking, workshops I’m giving or because of travel.

Several of you mentioned you’d like a heads up about this.  I will announce my planned absences at classes with a couple of weeks notice. I don’t want to inundate you with email about my comings and goings, as for some folks this is not desirable.

If you are not a regular at class, please do check in with me before coming out to make certain I’ll be there.  Email me at or call me at 416.573.4922.

3. Quality of Substitute Teachers:

I appreciate specific feedback around this subject! Several of you mentioned that you did not enJOY your experience when a substitute teacher was at class.
It is always my intention to leave you in the most experienced of hands, but at times that is
not possible due to availability. I am listening to your feedback and giving/receiving feedback and mentorship to/from my Nia colleagues as part of my own developmental process.

I do thank you for opening yourself up to the experience of receiving what each teacher has to offer. I’m reminded by my teacher that the Joy of Movement is within, and that tweaking and adjusting my body/mind spirit/emotions makes it possible to find that joy, regardless of external influence!

On the other hand, others of you mentioned that you are interested in experiencing the variety possible when another Nia Instructor is leading the class.

I am always intrigued by how we all resonate with some folks better than others…hmmm….

3. Music:

Let’s move to the music that you LOVE!

Learning about new music is a passion of mine and I’m more than thrilled to attempt to Nia-fy your favourites!

I will do my very best to use what you suggest!

Wanna see my current teaching schedule?
You can email me by clicking here

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