Nail art and the importance of esthetically pleasing toes

My feet are my foundation. They are an amazing part of my body that support me and are responsibile for my mobility.

I love my feet. And so every 4-6 weeks, I show them just how much I love them by getting a pedicure.

It’s not frivolous. It’s self care!

I want to continue dancing and teaching Nia for years and years to come. So I must take care of my feet.

And I want a pleasurable looking set of toes. Not just any plain-jane-vanilla looking little piggies. I want art! So I always invite my esthetician to try something unique.

Yesterday at my pedi, off came the holiday sparkles and 2 adorable snowmen, yes snowmen have taken up residence on my big toes!

Can you believe how talented my girl is? Seriously!

(Oh, and if you can’t quite make them out, trust me they’re there – my iPhone 3 is not a great photographer!)

I love my feet and look forward to getting to know the snow fellas who are gonna be there for the next month! What will be next…?

Do yourself a favour, love your feet at Silvertip Nails if you’re in Riverdale, they are so fun and creative!

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