Gonna get my passion fix tonight: the Oscar's

You’ve probably seen videos of this kids chorus floating around YouTube for quite awhile. They’re a choir of fifth graders called the PS22 Chorus and they live in Staten Island, NY.

Yeah, they’re cute, well behaved and create gorgeously sweet harmonies, but that’s not what I think is most cool about them.

What impresses me most is that they’ve got PASSION. And not only that, they express that pure, deep, organic passion through their bodies. It seems to me that it’s their profoundly intense enthusiasm and joy that brings their music alive. It’s like they’re wearing their souls inside-out when they’re singing.

Take a look.

NYC PS 22 Chorus singing “VIVA LA VIDA” Coldplay (acoustic guitar version)

Their bodies express a deep connection to the music which, no doubt, is part of the magic they create with their voices.

I challenge you to watch any one of their videos and not see their passion. In fact, I’m pretty sure you’ll not only see it, but you’ll feel it in your body. That kind of deep-down-in-your-belly connection and expressiveness is contagious.

I was so excited to hear that Anne Hathaway, who is co-hosting tonight’s Oscars with James Franco, personally invited the PS22 Chorus to come perform at the Oscars tonight. They’ll be singing “Somewhere over the Rainbow”, and I wager they’ll get a standing ovation because of their passion.

So I’m tuning in to the Oscars to get my passion fix. Are you?


  1. Meg on February 27, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    Oh…my! YES! I got cold chills. That was beautiful. They were dancing without even knowing it!
    I would SO turn on the Oscars to watch them tonight…but I have no cable. Boo.

    Enjoy!!!!!! I bet they’ll be amazing!

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