You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet!

On December 31, 2010, I cozied up in my hotel room in Tempe, Arizona, and wrote a year end blog post. In it, I summarized all that I felt proud of accomplishing in 2010. It was a good exercise that both motivated and inspired me to continue moving forward with my business.

On December 27, 2011, while en route to The Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World, the song “You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet” by Bachman Turner-Overdrive came on the radio. In the split second that I heard it, I knew that would be the basis of my end of year 2011 post. Kind of a “Yeah, I’ve done a lot, but there’s more to come… just you wait and see!”

So I decided to make a video blog, one where I’m reminded of what’s really behind what I do. Fun. Joy. Experience. I plan to refer back to it throughout the year, when I need a little boost and encouragement.

So this video is my tribute to myself in 2012. Instead of making promises at the beginning of this new year, I’m setting the intention to continue along my path with JOY.

In this video, I’m just havin’ a little fun, doing what I love to do best – DANCE! It was a blast teaching myself to mix some really meaningful tunes together (next, up, DJ Jenn!). Letting my body groove, uninterrupted, without choreography, allowed me to go deep inside to my pleasure place and brought my soul out to play!

There are 2 ways to watch this video. Imma start watching it from the beginning, cause I NEED to inspire myself. But, in the interest of efficiency, I suggest you start at 3:51 where, well, I get the main point across.


  1. Chris Kay Fraser on January 10, 2012 at 11:31 am


    You are inspiring, courageous, gorgeous and FULL of light for us all to bask in.

    I’m thrilled to know you and honoured to call you my friend!

    I love how you move, through a room and through your gorgeous unfolding life.


  2. Jenn Hicks on October 5, 2012 at 10:05 pm

    I’m watching this now, October 5, 2012. And I’m happy I made this. I really am. My creative process is often a struggle and seeing the outcome of this mini-project is reminding me of the worth of my creative soul. It really is a *HUGE* part of me, and I am again reminded to make space for this part of what nourishes me.

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