India: Fishy Feet & New Friends


So here I am in Auroville. It was a 24 hour journey, but it feels right and good to be here.

Fortunately, I traveled with British Airways, whose premium economy class was delightful! Extra leg room, wider seats, leg rests, pillows, blankets. Like the Indian man seated next to me said, “it’s worth the extra money not to be in ‘cattle class'”.


I immediately recalled the musty burning smell smell of spice filled pollution as soon as I stepped off the plane. And then the marble – what is it with the marble in official buildings and hotels? It reminds me of Lina and her quest to be an interior design consultant in Rishikesh. After all her efforts to convince that hotel developer not to use marble in his new business venture, that’s exactly what he did.

The sun is warming me as I write this, and I am hearing the familiar sounds of Tamil, labourers, wind in the trees and clanging of aluminum plates. Arriving at 4am was disorienting, but this morning I was treated to a feast of beauty when I awoke. Verite (truth en Francais) is quite special. There are painted brick buildings with clay-tiled roofs.

And the food is incredible! Organic vegetarian, all locally grown and keeping with Ayervedic traditions. Veritie is a very organized community with everyone having an assigned role. It is very welcoming and my fellow retreat attendees are all quite charming – we are from Malaysia, Germany, France, US, Canada (me), Hungary. A mix of Nia teachers, students and never-before experienced Nia enthusiasts.

One of the most luxurious things here is the fish pond.

Fish pond pedicure: Auroville, India from jennifer hicks on Vimeo.


I’m enjoying the quiet within me. There is no quiet around as there is music, carrying voices, temple chanting, bird calls, dog fights, and workers are on the go round the clock. And yet there is a stillness and that simplicity within me. It is a calm sense of being that makes me feel very free. It seems easy and sensible here at Verite. Yet when I went for my walk this morning, I “saw” India again. Shacks, abandoned properties, kids crying, burning plastic
and men horking.

That’s the India I remember.

There is no coffee in the main kitchen, but fortunately there’s a community kitchen with java galore. And we’re next to a wifi cafe called The Naturellement Garden Cafe which is where I can go to get a cappuccino while getting my online fix as necessary!

We are going to be learning about the Chakra system through our Nia classes. As usual I am keeping an open mind, and will take the nuggets that work for me. Philippe and Sabine seem very grounded and that is working well for me so far.

We went to the Visitor’s Centre this afternoon. There are many women’s community empowerment projects and the gift shops there were full of Aurovillian made handicrafts, clothes, jewelry and paper. I bought many notebooks and journals as well as some washable FHPs for Kim & Amy (The Red Tent Sisters).

Kolam (chalk art): Auroville, India from jennifer hicks on Vimeo.

I’m reminded of being in Chennai in 2006 when I saw this after breakfast this morning. THIS is the India I remember.

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