India: That's a wrap!

This is the story of me turning 40. In India.

This was my 3rd trip to India, and once again, she taught me invaluable lessons and truths. I had lots of laughs, met new parts of myself, experienced tears of joy and enjoyed dancing with my Nia colleagues from all over the world.

Thanks to Philippe and Sabine of Niamaste who made my birthday a deeply special experience. And for reminding me that choosing love (vs fear) opens me to experiences where I am taken care of and all my needs are met.

And thank you, India, for the stillness, creative inspiration, rest, simplicity and the opportunity to practice self care. Oh, and some rather FINE food too!


  1. Danette on June 10, 2013 at 3:17 pm


    Thanks for sharing this with us. What a beautiful trip, and an amazing way to celebrate your 40th. The music was wonderful! I loved the traffic shots. So much colour and aliveness. I can see why y India speaks to you.

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