4 Ways to use gravity for fitness

I’m thrilled to have Mary Baxter, Holistic Movement Facilitator guest post today on my blog. 

“I hear grumbling about the effects of gravity as we age.  Consider…

Astronauts in space lose 2% of their bone mass for every month spent in zero gravity. They deal with muscle loss & balance challenges.  Moving your body with gravity keeps bones strong.

Gravity keeps you here; if you jump, you return.  It keeps your stuff- your physical world- grounded even if you go away.  That’s reassuring.

Imagine jumping into a deep pool of water. When your feet touch bottom you can spring back up. Gravity helps us find “up” as we have something to push against.

We can stand and let the feet sense the push up from the floor.  Allow this “up” to extend beyond the sky and into the stars – the place of all potential; all possibility.  In this way gravity helps us lengthen & make more space in the body.

Play with gravity. Imagine your planet has no gravity  and you are dropped onto earth with our gravitational pull.

Here are 4 things you can do:  push away, flow down, hold stable or connect up.

Use gravity to get fitter: stronger, stable and graceful.”

Mary Baxter


Mary Baxter, owner of Born to Move Holistic fitness studio, Georgetown, has been teaching Nia, MELT method & holistic movement for over 10 years in Ontario, Canada.  Her classes, workshops & retreats are designed to make living in a body more authentic,  joyful & healthy.


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