3 common misconceptions about the Nia Technique

Nia-dance-fitnessI’ve been teaching The Nia Technique for almost 8 years now, and let me tell you, there are many a misconception about Nia. Firstly, when I explain what Nia is (in the most basic terms), I get looks of confusion and bewilderment from people. (When I say “people”, I mean “new students”, “admirers” and “other dance teachers”).  I fully understand that, because who can imagine what the heck a “cardiovascular fitness practice blending dance, martial arts & yoga” is?

I get the confusion. I get that those words do not accurately describe Nia. Why? Because Nia is NOT like anything you’ve ever experienced. EVER. And also, because Nia is something different for everyone. So you kinda have to experience it for yourself to truly know. (You might take a little shortcut, though, by reading how my Facebook community describes Nia below).

But now, please let me enlighten you about what Nia is definitely NOT about.

Here are the top 3 common misconceptions about Nia:

1. Nia is NOT a heart-pumping, sweat-inducing workout

Are you kidding me right now?! Even though Nia’s focus is on respecting (not hurting) the body while working out, that doesn’t mean that you won’t get your heart rate up, feel your muscles working and get a glisten-y glow in a class!

Now you may not want the aforementioned, but that’s your choice. In Nia we choose our fitness experience. We are mindful, consciously thinking about what our bodies need. My body happens to need to *rock it out*, which means I love making bigger movements, sinking lower, really using my core, and involving my entire body.  And as a result, I sweat baby!

At the same time, others may choose smaller movements, creating a gentler fitness experience for themselves.

If someone is not working their growing edge (physically), then it’s going to be a different experience. It’s likely not gonna be a physical challenge, and it will provide less of a conditioning experience.

Like life, Nia is all about what you choose to make it.

2.  Nia is “hippy dance”

The last time someone called me a hippy, I did NOT take it as a compliment. Yes I have a big, loving heart, but I have my feet planted firmly on the ground. I’m serious about play, but within the context of mindful structure.

Nia is NOT a passing trend, Nia is not flighty or without substance. Nia is not “esoteric” or a “cult”.

Nia is not about dancing rainbows, waving trees or floating fairies.  Yes, that imagery comes in from time to time, but there is also kicking, punching, sounding, and, importantly technique. Yes, technique. As in the need for precision (to protect your body) and accuracy.

Nia is grounded in that there is always form (choreography & technique) combined with freedom (the choice to customize and personalize our movement experience).  A class is not about gliding around the room free dancing the whole time.  There is discipline, power, technique and purpose.


3.  Nia is a “spiritual” fitness class

First and foremost, Nia is a physical fitness practice. We are there for a workout. We leave having gotten a workout.

A Nia class will provide you with physical sensations of flexibility, agility (quick start-stop motions), mobility, stability and strength. You get to choose to which degree you will experience those sensations, based on your needs.  As I previously mentioned, I almost always choose to amp up my experience and get the most out of my classes.

As a bonus, though, we get so much more than just a physical workout. Nia engages our minds (our imaginations), our emotions and our spirits. Funny, before teaching Nia, I had no idea what my “spirit” was. In Nia we define “spirit” as “that which is unique about you”.

So when I practice Nia, not only am I working my body, but I’m also engaging my mind, experience emotion and celebrating who I am! Kewl!


 So now, what IS Nia?

When I asked my community (of Nia students, friends, family) to describe Nia, here’s what they said:









What do you think? What IS Nia and what ISN’T Nia?


  1. Sarah Jean on June 21, 2014 at 4:33 pm

    Yes! Excellent posting. I agree wholeheartedly.

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