Dance breaks are great breaks!

Sitting is the new smoking


We all know that sitting too much is bad for us. Bad for our bodies, bad for our stress levels, bad for our motivation. We know need to move. But competing with that need to move is a need to work which, for many of us, is a sedentary activity. We know we need to take breaks, but what’s the best way to take a break? What might that break look like?


Stretch at your desk!

Stretching is great (you can see a video with some Nia-based deskercises for your neck and shoulders here).

But how to remember all those stretches and make sure you’re doing them right?


How about a dance break?


What about having a dance break? I used to work at a hospital that had a morning and afternoon break built into our treatment schedule. It was a time when we would go into the staffroom, have a snack and chat (mostly about work as it turned out).

What if one of those breaks was a dance break instead? Maybe just for 5 minutes or so? Wouldn’t that be a riot?


Why take dance breaks?

Why not? Everybody can move to music and there are a TON of benefits!

Dance can:

* Promote comfort among employees
* Build relationships through trust and bonding
* Foster interaction and cooperation
* Promote positivity and confidence
* Reduce Stress

Movement breaks not only help us physically, but did you know they help our learning and well-being as well?


Watch a dance break in action

Check out this inspiring practice –  United Shore, a wholesale mortgage company,  takes a weekly dance break Thursdays at 3pm!
Other companies are on board with regular dance breaks as well!




Create your own dance break at your workplace!

If you’re interested in brainstorming some ways to bring dance breaks into your workplace, let me help you!


  1. Minoo Vasudevan on April 14, 2021 at 2:19 pm

    I used to dance all the time in my breaks at work in our break-room. Dance helps me de-stress, keep in shape, and keeps me motivated. Many coworkers commended me for it, and even they say that they should start doing it or enroll in dance classes, etc. Also, I’m 22 and pretty flexible.

    However, someone reported me to my manager, saying that my dancing was “distracting” to them, and that “multiple people” are concerned.

    Also, I was told that it’s unprofessional in a work environment to do so. I just wish this message was clearer to me before some Karen or Chad decided to report me.

    Personally, I don’t think I did anything wrong.

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