My “normal” body was clumsy and desperate and sick

A tile divided in 2 vertically. On the left is a picture of B & W clouds. It says "At my thinnest" then halfway down it says "clumsy". On the right is a picture of a blue sky. It says "At my heaviest" and then halfway down it says "coordinated". At the very bottom is my website:

In my 30s I developed anorexia.

Back then I felt “normal” in my appearance. I say “normal” because that’s what euro-centric beauty standards tell us – that thin is the desired body type.

But I’ll tell you, there was NOTHING “normal” about my life at that time.

Knowing what I know now, I would NEVER go back and trade my now body for that clumsy, sick and desperate soul.

Now I am so confident in my body – I am coordinated and move with grace and power. How did that transformation happen?

Through Nia.

Will you join me for a class sometime to find out the transformative power of Nia for yourself? you have 7 chances a week to move with me!

And if you’ve experienced your own transformation – will you share it here?


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