How I feel is more important to me than my appearance

a tile divided in 2 vertically. On the left is a picture of B & W clouds. It says "At my thinnest" then halfway down it says "anxious". On the right is a picture of a blue sky. It says "At my heaviest" and then halfway down it says "calm". At the very bottom is my website:

When I focused on how my body looked, my appearance was all I could think about. I was deeply anxious and solely focused on what others saw.

Nothing else mattered – my appearance took priority over my mental well being, my relationships and my ability to engage in anything other than maintaining how I looked.

Before I knew it, I was addicted to being thin. It was a pursuit that cost me my physical and emotional health, repeatedly put me in harm’s way, tested my closest relationships and cost me my job and professional reputation.

Society pushed me towards this painful time in my life – I was so desperate to have the “ideal” body that my body-modification behaviours led me to anorexia & an exercise addiction.

I was willing to sacrifice my health and all the important things in my life JUST TO BE THIN.

Then I was introduced to the notion that feeling good could be the priority.

It took a TON of work to re-program and appreciate that feeling good was the healthy choice.

I’ve been practicing this notion that feeling good > looking good through Nia for the last 14 years.

This focus on the sensation of pleasure has helped me to become much calmer and grounded.

Every single time I step on the mat I know that I am nourishing my deepest being by focusing in on what works and feels good for me.

It no longer matters to me what I look like – I don’t owe my appearance to anyone.

What I feel like puts me at the centre.

I deserve to feel good, and so do you.

Join me for a Nia class sometime and feel good with me!

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