Posts by Jenn Hicks

Christmas in Arizona: Best of

Paul and I spent Christmas in Arizona this year (2010). We left on December 25, after a family celebration on the 24th, and returned on January 1, 2011. It was really easy to come up with a ‘best of’ list about our trip, so that’s how I’ll share my experiences with you. Best Hotel Fiesta…

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Nail art and the importance of esthetically pleasing toes

My feet are my foundation. They are an amazing part of my body that support me and are responsibile for my mobility. I love my feet. And so every 4-6 weeks, I show them just how much I love them by getting a pedicure. It’s not frivolous. It’s self care! I want to continue dancing…

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Learn to Dance: Nia

So it’s 2 weeks into 2011. I figure that, like me, there are probably a few of us who are still sorting out how to make our beginning of 2011 intentions become REALITY. Perhaps on your list of intentions is “learn to dance“.  It was on my list years back, and I can still remember…

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Shining Light a la Annie Lennox

I have been so *flipping* inspired by this video that I have been watching it and singing it all week. It’s my 2011 Nia anthem. I pretend Annie is singing it to me, and it makes me feel so special! The most delicious lyric, IMHO, is “sovereign bride of the in-fin-ite, you are a shining…

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Crawling through hotels rooms in America: Self-Healing

I spent the last 7 days crawling around hotel rooms in Arizona. What?!? Sounds a little crazy, right? Possibly, but give me a chance to explain: I was on holidays and wanted to do a little body experiment. I was testing out a self-healing practice I’ve heard lots about but hadn’t yet experienced with any…

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Dear 2011 Jenn (from you, to you),

Image by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³ via Flickr Dear Jenn, Before we jump ahead to 2011, I want you to sit back and reflect on the growth opportunities you had in 2010. This has been a monumental year, hasn’t it? You certainly rocked it and had lots of fun doing it. Come on, don’t be shy, it’s TRUE!…

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10 Ways Nia Benefits Bodies (mine and yours, that is)

When we embrace an active healthy lifestyle we can attain increased fitness, health, and well-being not only in our bodies, but also in our minds, emotions, and spirits. Nia is a unique fusion fitness practice that provides benefits in all these areas; it is easily learned, easily built upon, and a joy to practice throughout…

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Nia & The Feet: Sandi Wants to Know

The other day I got a message from a student, Sandi, with a great question about her feet and Nia. She’s agreed that I could publish it on my blog to share it with all of you! “Hey, Jenn, your tweets about body awareness reminded me of something I’ve meant to  ask you for a…

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Hanging around: Om Gym

Every Wednesday morning for the past 2 weeks, I’ve been receiving the most decadently amazing openings that my body has ever experienced. How? At the Om Gym class I’m taking with my pal and business partner Trixie Montanile Trixie’s the first person in Canada to teach classes using this powerfully versatile piece of equipment. Exciting!…

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I’m all this and more

Last Friday, Jamie Ridler created and published and shared the amazing badges above. When I claimed them for myself I affirmed that, yes, I AM all these things and more. It is so lovely to own all these beautiful parts of my self, to know that I have so much to offer this world. I…

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