Don’t Stress Out: LOOOVVVEEE Your Workouts!


We all know that stress isn’t good for us.  And we know that one of the most common recommendations to combat stress is to exercise.

But what if the environment that you exercise in actually causes stress? When I was a member of my local gym, I can remember feeling quite stressed. The complicated machines, the piles of free weights, the crowded locker rooms, the panic associated with getting a spot in the spin class, and the deafeningly loud music all made me more than a little anxious.

On top of all those environmental stresses I experienced with gym-going, I often found my workouts to be stressful. Why? Because the classes I attended were super fast paced and competitive, and everyone seemed to know what was happening even before the teacher said a word. It was confusing and isolating.

At the time, I didn’t know there could be an alternative. I thought I’d have to endure all these stressful factors associated wi
th my workouts forever.

But now, because of Nia, I understand that in order for me to best benefit from my workout, I needed not only my body, but also my mind, emotions and spirit to be on board. Because of Nia, I know that stress should never be part of a workout experience.

Could you be experiencing stress during your workouts like I once did?

If your body is experiencing stress  while exercising, you might find yourself thinking “This hurts” or “I’m in pain”. In any exercise program,  there is always a healthy amount of what we call “positive tension” in Nia. That’s the amount of conditioning that is causing positive change but is NOT entering into the territory of pain. Edson Hong via Compfight

If your mind is experiencing stress while working out you might find yourself thinking “I don’t like this music”, “this is difficult”.

If your emotions are being stressed while working out you might experience anger, resentment, regret or other unhelpful emotions.

If your spirit experiences stress during exercise, it’s possible that you just won’t be able to come “alive” and allow your body to move in the way it really needs to move.

Trade stress for pleasure in your workouts!  If you’re not having fun exercising, if it’s something you are simply “tolerating”, maybe it’s time to try something new. Something that will nurture your entire being, not just your body. 

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  1. Movement for pleasure, not for change. - Jenn Hicks on September 15, 2019 at 5:04 pm

    […] mental health will benefit from choosing pleasure when moving.  Learning to choose pleasure is good for your entire […]

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