Breaking Body Biases: Can Exercise be Harmful? Orthorexia with FitPro Jennifer Hicks
I recently had the honour of being interviewed by Christine DiFilippis of Breaking Body Biases. Breaking Body Biases is an anti-diet and joyful movement podcast which amplifies the voices of fitness professionals, dieticians and health practitioners promoting HAES (Health At Every Size). How wonderful to talk with Christine about diet culture, privilege, choice making and…
Read More3 reasons to stop loving your body: Body acceptance
Yes, you heard me right. I said stop loving your body. And start looking at an alternative: body acceptance. Now don’t get me wrong. When I first discovered body positivity a few years back, I felt like I had come home. The fact that someone, anyone, was promoting the idea that I should not have…
Read MoreExercises to Do in Bed: The Nia Way
Recently I was in the hospital for a kidney infection (and learned a new word – pyelonephritis = kidney infection). It was not pleasant but I’m grateful for the excellent care I received. Keep Moving While I was being pumped full of fluids and antibiotics I knew I had to keep moving. How did I know…
Read MoreHealth At Every Size
I was recently interviewed by Sarah Du Couto for Women Quest Online Magazine. The article is below and the original is here.
Read MoreTake Appearance Out Of Compliments
A whole lot of learning begins with unlearning. That’s what I’ve been doing for the past year or so. Learning about body positivity/acceptance by unlearning what I’ve been taught about bodies and their worth. This is why I don’t comment on other’s bodies. I have personally experienced the pain of having my body…
Read MoreEmbrace your jiggly bits
For one week in May of 2020, I was privileged to be able to take a virtual crash course in human dissection with Gil Hedley. Today I reviewed my notes that chronicled Gil’s dissection of Margaret* as many of us watched from all over the world. I was viscerally moved as I recapitulated the…
Read MoreJenn Drakes Arrays of Living
I was so grateful to have the opportunity to be in conversation with Jenn Drakes a couple of weeks ago on her show “Arrays of Living“. We discussed my favourite topic, Nia, and also about being kind to ourselves. At 4:12 Jenn & I discuss what Nia is At 6:50 we connect on the benefits of…
Read MoreMy healing was ignited through joyful movement
Since I started teaching Nia in 2006, I have been in a process of recovery. Healing from adult onset anorexia and an exercise addiction was not easy. But it sure helped that I had the medicine called “joyful movement” through Nia. Now, almost 15 years later, I have been teaching Nia through a body/fat positivity…
Read MoreHow to be authentic when you move your body
“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.” ― Judy Garland Authentic Body Movement If I said “Let’s be authentic in our movement” or “Move your body your way” or “Don’t follow me, just allow yourself to move freely” would you freeze? Would you…
Read MoreNOW Magazine’s Best Virtual Fitness Teacher 2020
Thank you everybody for your votes of confidence. Now more people know about Nia and that makes me SO happy! You can adjust the size of the text below or click here to view it.
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