Posts by Jenn Hicks

Wake up! How I learned to feel more alive through Nia Technique

Have you ever been insecure about your cognitive abilities?  If you have, then you’ll know that it’s really, really stressful. For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt like something was a little “off” with my mind.  Like I needed to simply wake up.  I felt that way about school, music lessons, sports, social…

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My body is bigger and I’m a better person now because of it

As my body has grown and changed, I have become a better person for it.   That’s right – gaining weight has made me not only healthier physically, but it’s given me mental clarity, emotional ease and confidence. Lots of it.   When I was a kid, I was so physically awkward, clumsy and shy.…

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How I feel is more important to me than my appearance

When I focused on how my body looked, my appearance was all I could think about. I was deeply anxious and solely focused on what others saw. Nothing else mattered – my appearance took priority over my mental well being, my relationships and my ability to engage in anything other than maintaining how I looked.…

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It’s been fourteen years this month since I started teaching Nia. I still remember my first class back in August 2006. It was in a dirty little room in a run down community centre. One student came. I could have been disappointed, but I wasn’t.  I was over the moon with the fact that I…

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My “normal” body was clumsy and desperate and sick

In my 30s I developed anorexia. Back then I felt “normal” in my appearance. I say “normal” because that’s what euro-centric beauty standards tell us – that thin is the desired body type. But I’ll tell you, there was NOTHING “normal” about my life at that time. Knowing what I know now, I would NEVER…

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Nia: A Cardio Workout at Home

Nia is a cardio workout you can do at home! We all need to find ways to maintain our well-being during this strange time of COVID-19 quarantine. Nia is the perfect way to reduce stress and tend to our mind, bodies and souls and you can do it from your own home! You’ll enjoy a…

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What can we do about sore feet?

Sore Feet Seventy-five percent of Canadians will experience foot problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. About 19 percent of the Canadian population has an average of 1.4 foot problems each year. Why is that?  Mostly it’s because people don’t pay much attention to their feet, unless they hurt.…

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Movement for pleasure, not for change.

Movement does not have to be stressful, painful or a chore. And using movement as punishment or way to change your body is not a healthy path to wellness. Movement for pleasure is possible – not only that but it’s a choice that you have! You don’t have to suffer through boring or painful workouts.…

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Fit and fat

Thin ≠ fit. Fat ≠ unfit. It is impossible to tell if a person is “fit” just by looking at them. Likewise, it is impossible to tell if someone has high cholesterol or diabetes by appearance alone. We have what some people might call a bias (and what I would call fat phobia) to believe…

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